Advice to Biometagás La Galera in the sale to Ence

Advice to the Spanish energy company, Biometagás La Galera.

Advice to Biometagás La Galera in the sale to Ence

Ence, the Spanish leader in the pulp production and biomass energy production, has acquired 100% of the share capital of Biometagás La Galera (“La Galera”), a company specialist in providing waste collection and treatment services which is currently developing a biogas power plant in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain) within a 5Ha plot which will be able to generate up to 50GWh per year once operational.

This is the first biomethane production plant acquired by Ence, which has plans to reach the production of 1,000 GWh of biogas by 2030, currently with a portfolio of 28 projects.

BDO acted as advisor to La Galera’s shareholders in Financial, Tax, Legal and Labour Vendor Due Diligence.

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Juan Vega de Seoane

Juan Vega de Seoane

Socio en el área de Deal Advisory - M&A
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