BDO Abogados’ Department of Corporate Law consists of 30 people with a high level of experience and knowledge in the field of providing commercial advice to companies and entrepreneurs.
The combination of three main factors defines our way of working: (i) providing the client with a friendly and personalised service: this means that we can provide advice on commercial matters to meet the needs of any company, irrespective of its size, at reasonable fees and always ensuring that we provide it with the solutions and best legal assistance it needs at any particular time; (ii) specialised professionals: the various disciplines of the commercial services we offer are provided by lawyers with extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of different areas, resulting in faster and more efficient responses; (iii) the international character of our firm, with a network present in more than 150 countries.
Our corporate lawyers thus have the international connections that permit excellent provision and coordination of international legal services both for Spanish companies and for foreign investors that make investments in Spain.