Pablo Albert
The Spanish insurance sector is facing an important modernization process to assimilate the changes introduced in its regulatory framework by Solvency II.
These changes introduced by Solvency II refer mainly to the new solvency capital requirements, higher and with exaggeratedly complex calculation formulations; new reporting requirements to the Supervisor and public information (such as the Report on the financial situation and solvency of the entity); and new Corporate Governance requirements: professionalization, efficiency, transparency, strategic approaches, management and self-assessment of risks and Solvency (O.R.S.A.).
Now that these requirements have been assumed by insurance companies since the entry into force of Solvency II, their main challenge is to integrate them into their management system so that they are useful for the achievement of their strategic objectives.
BDO's teams in the Insurance area have in-depth knowledge of insurance techniques and have extensive experience in their application, having held management positions in entities in the insurance market:
Pablo Albert
Carlos Lahoz