Advice the shareholder of Adinor

in the sale to Pleamar Partners

Advice the shareholder of Adinor in the sale to Pleamar Partners

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.Industry$$Construction & Building Materials
Pleamar Partners has acquired Adinor, a leading Valladolid company, specialized in manufacturing aluminum profiling systems for architectural solutions, targeting furniture, carpentry and DIY sectors.
Pleamar Partners is a Spanish search fund, created to identify, acquire and operate an existing Spanish SME. Directed by José Luis Soria Ibañez and Carlos Gómez de Iturriaga and backed by Tier I Search Fund investors.

BDO acted as advisor to Adinor in M&A

Deal Advisory

Deal Advisory department has a wide ranging experience when it comes to offering support services for purchase and sales transactions, mergers, valuations, financial advisory / consultancy, and all services relating to forensic.

The advice received during all stages of the process by BDO has been crucial to complete the transaction. The involvement of the team led by specialist in building products Fernando Ibañez, facilitated knowledge of the sector and made it possible to generate opportunities with first class investors. I am very clear that, if I had to do another process again, the company to hire would be BDO